Basic Training

Kihon Waza
(key-hone wah-zah)
Basic Training
Zenkutsu Dachi
(zen-coo-zoo dahch)
front stance
Kiba Dachi
(key-baa dahch)
horse stance
also known as Naihanchi Dachi
Seisan Dachi
(say-san dahch)
forward stance
similar to zenkutsu dachi but the length is shorter and the toes are pointed in slightly
Neko-Ashi Dachi
(ne-koh ah-she dahch)
cat stance
Choku Tsuki
(cho-coo zoo-key)
straight punch
Gyaku Tsuki
(yah-coo zoo-key)
reverse punch
Jodan Uke
(jo-don oo-key)
upward block
Geidan Uke
(gay-don oo-key)
downward block
Uchi Uke
(oo-chee oo-key)
inside block
Soto Uke
(sew-toe oo-key)
outside block
Shotei Uke
(show-tye oo-key)
palm heel block
Shuto Uke
(shoe-toe oo-key)
knifehand block
Mae Geri
(my geh-ree)
front kick
Yoko Geri
(yo-koh geh-ree)
side kick
Mawashi Geri
(mah-wah-she geh-ree)
roundhouse kick
Ushiro Geri
(oo-she-row geh-ree)
back kick
Mikazuki Geri
(mek-ah-zoo-key geh-ree)
crescent kick